Meet the Team
Principle Investigator
Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon is an assistant professor in the Electrical
and Computer Engineering (ECE) department at The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. He leads the
Laboratory for NanoIntegrated Systems
Principle Investigator
Kerry Kelly is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and the
Associate Director of the Program for Air Quality, Health and Society. Her research focuses on
air-quality, energy, and the health effects of combustion particles. Beyond research, Kerry has
extensive policy experience, having served 8 years on the state air quality board, and she has recently
been appointed by the governor and then elected to chair the state air quality policy board.
Principle Investigator
Miriah Meyer is the recipient of a NSF CAREER grant, a Microsoft
Research Faculty Fellowship, and a NSF/CRA Computing Innovation Fellow award. She was named a University
of Utah Distinguished Alumni, both a TED Fellow and a PopTech Science Fellow, and included on MIT
Technology Review's TR35 list of the top young innovators. Miriah is widely recognized for her expertise
and pioneering research in interactive visualization.
Principle Investigator
Ross is a SCI Faculty Member, a Professor of Computer Science, and the
Director of the University of Utah's School of Computing. He leads a graduate-level research group in
image analysis, geometry processing, and scientific computing, with a variety of projects supported by
both federal agencies and industrial contracts.
Tom Becnel
Research Staff
Aspen Hopkins
Research Staff
Tofigh Sayahi
Research Staff
Kyle Tingey
Research Staff